Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 15, No 2 (2019)

Imposing diversity measures to juveniles

Albulena Hajdari Krasniqi


Abstract: Diversity measures as a kind of alternative measure are often imposed to juveniles, who have committed minor criminal offenses. These measures are envisaged by relevant international acts (Tokyo Rules and Beijing Rules) and the criminal legislation of a considerable number of contemporary states. Within this article, the meaning of the diversity measures, the characteristics and the purpose of the diversity measures will be addressed. Also, the procedure and authority for imposing diversity measures will be elaborated, including the importance of imposing these measures. Moreover, this paper will analyze the practical activity of the bodies authorized by the Juvenile Justice Code of Kosovo (JJCK), which aim to impose diversity measures. The imposition of these measures will be reflected through statistical data, during the period 2007 - 2016 in Kosovo. During the preparation of this paper, legal, comparative, analytical, research and statistical methods were used. In the end, conclusions and recommendations will be presented on this topic.


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