Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Vol 8, No 2 (2012)

Assimilated Administrative Acts

Vasilica Negrut


The present paper analyzes a current issue not only for the legal research but also for the practical activity. We picked a topic which other authors have researched, but we emphasized based on the analysis and comparison, certain peculiarities of the legal regime applicable to the legal acts assimilated to the administrative acts, as they are outlined in the Contentious administrative law. Given that the legal documents assimilated to the administrative acts have a greater share in the public administration activity, it requires knowledge of its legal effects, in order to see whether there are fulfilled the above-mentioned law conditions or not, in order to use the action in the administrative contentious, when appropriate. In conclusion, we can say that, although the law defines these legal acts, it is required amending the Contentious administrative law, that is including in article 1 the assimilated administrative acts.


Full Text: 66-71


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